About Us
Faith Lutheran Church in Shell Rock, IA is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We came together as a congregation in 1955.
Explore our web site to learn more about us and our mission to reflect God's love through our actions and Christian witness.
Food Pantry at Faith:
The community is invited to visit and use our free "Food Pantry" just inside the South doors anytime the food and other items would be helpful to them. The food has been generously donated by members of Faith to reach out to those in need. The South door is usually open Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from about 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM daily. Help spread the word to others.
Faith Lutheran Milestones
​1955 Constitution and by-laws were adopted.
First worship service at Jebe Funeral Chapel.
1956 The first service was held in the basement of the new building on October 14.
1966 Parsonage was dedicated.
1978 Dedication of addition and remodeling project
1998 GIFT pledges for second addition began
2019 Parking lot cemented
​2021 South Drive cemented
2022 Fellowship Hall floor refinished
2023 Installed new elevator, accessible to all levels
Pastors of Faith Lutheran
Dr. John Hiltner (developer) Sept 1955 - July 1956
Rev. Otto Reitz July 1956 - July 1962
Rev. C.C. Taylor Feb 1963 - May1965
Rev. Richard Gronewold Oct 1965 - Aug1971
Rev. Richard Johnson Feb 1972 - Oct1979
Rev. Vernon Fasse Jan 1980 - Oct1992
Rev. Edgar Zelle (interim) Nov 1992 - May1993
Revs. Sally and Paul Gausmann May 1993 - Nov 1999
Rev. Mary Kenosian (interim) Dec 1999 - July 2000
Rev. Steve McGinley July 2000 -2008
Rev. Paul Schaedig 2008 - Oct 2009
Rev. Kim Smith Oct 2009 - May 2021
​Rev. Joel Becker May 1, 2022 - present
Additional Information
INFORMATIONAL PAMPHLETS (found in both entries):
About Faith Lutheran
About our Banners
BANNERS: Our banners were designed and made by deceased member, Jan Neal. Read more about the symbolism of each in the pamphlets in the main entries.
BULLETIN BOARDS and DISPLAYS: Check them out to see how our committees and youth are bearing spiritual fruit here, in our community, and our world.
WOODEN ART WORKS: Made and donated by deceased member, Gary Miller.