Call or email the office and let our Office Manager know your name and phone number. Our Pastor will contact you to set up a time to meet with you. If you decide to join our church family, we will need you to fill out an information sheet that our Pastor will provide for you. In addition to the regular information, we will want your baptism date and place.
You will be paired with a host family who will be available to answer questions and help you get to know other members
As your church family, we will:
Welcome you into our congregation
Provide faith-building opportunities for you to grow as a Christian
Guide you to live out your faith in service to others
Help you develop deep and lasting friendships in community with others
Encourage lifelong learning as you deepen your understanding of the Bible and the Christian faith
Be good stewards of your generous contributions of time, talents, and financial support
As a member of Faith Lutheran, I will:
Work to strengthen the mission of Faith Lutheran: Reflect God’s love through our actions and Christian witness
Pray for my pastor, council and fellow members regularly
Attend worship and other church events on a regular basis
Have my children participate in Sunday School, Bible School, and Confirmation
Share my fruits of the Spirit: Time, Talents, and Treasure to further our mission
Determine areas of ministry through which I can serve others as a witness to Christ